
studiodonnamaria florence



In the mid-60s, in Florence, four young architects (Meri Coli, Armando Donnamaria, Fabrizio Milanese, Stefano Naef) decide to direct their professional commitment along a common road, forming what today would be called an association between Professionals, with the first headquarter in Via San Gallo 123.DSCN0597

The professional activity develops in a historical moment which, as is known, is characterized by great ideological, economic and social turmoil for Florence, Tuscany and Italy, with lot of architectural competitions, relations with public administrations, which often originate technical assistance and then the drafting of tools for urban planning, mainly in Mugello and Sardinia areas, without forgetting the private Client with many project interventions on various scalability (urban planning, architectural, furniture, interior design).

During the following years professional and lifestyle choices of Coli, Milanese and Naef make architect Donnamaria the only holder of the original team, which however will also widen out its operating areas, with the contribution of young architects, at first training and then collaborating over the years with the Study, so to make it a real professional "hotbed". In this sense, since the mid-90s, the specific contribution of architect Gian Pietro Bartolini should be referred to the activities of Court Appointed Expert (Florence Court - Public Prosecutor’s Office - Arbitrations) for valuation, accounting, controversy and so on, with additional specific specializations for antiques, modern and contemporary art. The passing of architect Donnamaria, in the second half of the 90s, has given new arrangements about the particular skills, together with the transformation of the "professional life" in recent years; the headquarter of the firm is currently in the spaces of Via G. Modena 21, Florence.